Duke of Edinburgh International Award

We are pleased to announce the conclusion of another successful year of delivering the Duke of Edinburgh International Award scheme at Haileybury.

The award is designed to provide the opportunity for all Year 9 pupils and above the opportunity to engage in volunteer work, develop new skills and complete a minimum of 2 overnight camping expeditions. The award is designed to push our pupils beyond their limits and to work together as a team to achieve common goals.

The school strongly supports the awards’ goals and we are proud to be the largest provider in Kazakhstan and indeed Central Asia. This year our Year 9 started their bronze award and completed a Winter Day Hike in the Alma-Arawak Gorge and our Year 11 group completed their first overnight expedition to Ily River. Excitingly, our Year 12 cohort started the schools first ever Silver Award and last week they planned and executed an excellent 3 day expedition to Turgen Gorge and Assy Plateau. This is no easy undertaking and we are very proud of their achievements. This will be the schools first ever Silver Award finishers.

We are immensely proud of the achievements of all our pupils this year and we look forward to completing the awards next year and striving for higher achievements. We will release further details at the start of the next academic year with information about signing up to the award and upcoming expeditions.

Well done to all those involved!

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