Haileyburian Accepted into Ivy League and Dual Degree Programme with Prestigious Universities

We are thrilled to announce the amazing news that our School Captain, Alikseniia, has received offers from the most prestigious universities in the world - Columbia University, Sciences Po, Harvard, Cambridge and the London School of Economics!

Alikseniia is Haileybury’s Golden Girl. She has been our School Captain this year and since she became a Haileyburian eight years ago, she has been an outstanding academic student and contributor to the school.  Although she had the opportunity to study abroad for her Sixth Form years, she decided that Haileybury Almaty had more opportunities to grow, and has taken full use of these chances.  We are so proud that she chose Haileybury as the best place in the world for her education. 

As a result, Alikseniia now has the enviable problem to decide whether to read Law at Cambridge, Trinity College,  or LSE in the UK. Or a prestigious dual degree with Ivy League Columbia University and Europe’s best, Science Po of Paris. And now, she can add Harvard College as one more university that wants her to join them. 

Haileybury has had many great students, but Alikseniia can be considered the best. She has made so many pathways for all of us to follow - her dedication to academics earning full A* in all of her subjects. She participates in everything, from Mental Health, to Eco committee, to MUN, to the Kipling Tug of War and Basketball teams!  

Out of school, she was instrumental in making the award winning TOZBE app with other HAL students, to help women protect themselves from domestic violence. She has taken up the issue of women’s rights in Kazakhstan with vigour, including writing an Amicus Briefing for the Kazakhstan government, an expert opinion on the state of Kazakhstan’s laws regarding protection of women from domestic violence. 

No matter what choice Alikseniia makes, we know it will be great for her future, and her future will be positive for everyone.  Thank you Alikseniia for making us all stand prouder and look a little bit higher today.

#HaileyburyWowStories #Harvard #Cambridge #columbiauniversity #londonschoolofeconomics #UniversitySuccess #HaileyburyAlmaty #AcademicExcellence #GlobalRecognition #IvyLeagueSuccess #HaileyburyPride

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