Haileybury Almaty Celebrates Eco-Schools Green Flag Accreditation

We are thrilled to announce that Haileybury Almaty has once-again achieved the prestigious Eco-Schools Green Flag Award, recognising our commitment to environmental sustainability and education.

This significant accomplishment is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our students, staff, and entire school community. At this time, Haileybury Almaty remains the only school in Kazakhstan to have this esteemed accreditation. 

Our Journey to the Green Flag

Having first achieved Green Flag accreditation in 2021, Haileybury staff and students have worked hard to continue developing sustainable initiatives throughout the school. Re-accreditation every two years ensures member schools continue to prioritise their sustainability goals and values.  This academic year, our students engaged in a variety of impactful projects under the Eco-Schools framework, addressing critical themes such as climate change, waste management, energy conservation, and health and wellbeing. The accreditors were so impressed by the enthusiasm and passion from our students, that we were awarded a full pass. 

Climate Change Initiatives

- Call to Earth Day: Students made climate-conscious pledges and participated in a whole-school event.

- Wildlife Boxes Project: This initiative aimed to increase biodiversity and promote local wildlife learning.

- Beyond Cop21 Symposium: Our students actively participated, presenting their findings and hosting workshops.

- Earth Day: Focused on reducing single-use plastics and promoting sustainable practices.

Waste Management Efforts

- Clothes and Book Swaps: Held three events, donating all proceeds to the student-led charity, Bayitu.

- Recycling Awareness: Conducted surveys and promoted recycling through various campaigns.

- Fashion Show: Highlighted responsible production and consumption, featuring clothes made from recycled materials.

Energy Conservation Projects

- Switch OFF Campaign: Encouraged energy-saving practices in the Junior School.

- Hydroponics Project: extracurricular activity where students designed and built hydroponic systems.

Health and Wellbeing

- School Garden: Plans are underway to build a school garden to enhance learning and mental health next academic year 

Why the Green Flag Matters

Achieving the Eco-Schools Green Flag is not only a validation of our current efforts but also a motivator for future initiatives. It empowers our students to continue engaging with environmental issues and positions Haileybury Almaty as a leader in youth-led sustainability.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone involved in this journey. Your commitment and enthusiasm have been instrumental in achieving this milestone. Stay tuned for more updates on our ongoing and future sustainability projects!

Join us in celebrating this achievement and supporting our mission to foster a sustainable future. Together, we can make a difference.

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