Yesterday, the world celebrated a significant cause - World Mental Health Day

It is a World Health Organization initiative that raises awareness and increases resources for mental health. It is a day for people globally to come together to be vocal and honest about their mental health issues and share their experiences.

We at Haileybury take mental health and wellbeing quite seriously. Our main goal is to see our pupils happy, successful and smiling! As part of the world's celebration of Mental Health Day, we would like to offer you some very simple, but very effective tips. Let us know if you have any additional suggestions, we would love to hear your thoughts or tips!

Tip to parents: It is important to be paying attention to your child’s behavior at home, prioritise open conversations, and remember to celebrate his or her successes.

Tips to pupils:
✅Don't shy away from open conversations
✅Stay active
✅Have a balanced nutritious diet
✅Sleep 8 to 10 hours per night
✅Remember to celebrate your successes and seek encouragement when you are struggling
✅Be kind and helpful to others

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