Top Universities Boot Camp 2024 at Haileybury Almaty

Top Universities Boot Camp 2024


The Top Universities Boot Camp at Haileybury Almaty is a pioneering initiative designed to prepare our students for the rigours of university applications and academic life at prestigious institutions worldwide.
This intensive 2-day programme, held on August 22-23, 2024, features alumni from Ivy League schools and other top universities who will share their invaluable insights and experiences.
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Our mission is to empower students from Year 12 to Year 13, from 16 to 18 years old to become exceptional leaders by providing a transformative summer camp experience. This boot camp aims to help students hone essential skills and foster leadership qualities necessary for making informed decisions about their educational and career paths.

Key Features:

Programme Outline:

Day 1: North America Focus
Day 1: North America Focus
  • Introduction and Icebreaker
  • Workshops on extracurricular activities, CV writing, and personal essays
  • Group sessions on university applications, finances, and making university lists
  • Q&A and wrap-up session
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Day 2: UK, Europe, and Asia Focus
Day 2: UK, Europe, and Asia Focus
  • Introduction and Icebreaker
  • Workshops on interview techniques, university applications, and personal statements
  • Group sessions on UCAS, Studielink, and motivation letters
  • Certificate ceremony with parents
Benefits for Students:
Benefits for Students:
  • Mentorship: Direct access to alumni mentors who can provide tailored advice and support.
  • Networking: Opportunities to connect with peers and mentors, building relationships that extend beyond the boot camp.
  • Enhanced Applications: Insights and strategies to strengthen university applications and improve admission prospects.
  • Leadership Development: Workshops designed to develop leadership skills and prepare students for future success.
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"World’s TOP universities"

Directors Steve Stockermans and Ana Munoz Lopera are expert university admissions advisors and have worked in the USA, Canada, the UK, Europe and Asia. They are graduates from University of Toronto and UCL. Their students in Kazakhstan have won over 7 million USD in scholarships in the past three years.

Successfully placed students at:
- US colleges: MIT, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Columbia, Cornell, UC Berkeley, NYU, Duke, Chicago…
- UK universities: Cambridge, Oxford, UCL, LSE, Imperial, Queen Mary, Manchester…
- European universities: Erasmus, Groningen, Amsterdam, Science Po, Vienna Economics, Geneva, Carlos III, ESADE, IE, Bocconi...
- Asian universities: (Japan) ICU, Keio, Waseda, Sophia. (Korea) KAIST, (Hong Kong) HKUST, HK Poli, (Singapore) NUS/Yale, Nanyan Tech, (Australia): Monash, Melbourne, Sydney, Queensland, SP Jain...
- Canadian universities: Toronto, McGill, UBC, Waterloo, Queens, Dalhousie..
"World’s TOP universities"
Alikseniia Martysheva, Haileybury's School Captain is our first admission to Harvard, class of 2027. She earned well-deserved acceptances to Cambridge, LSE, Columbia and Science Po, but chose to study Liberal Arts, Pre Law, at the world's most famous university. Alikseniia won these honours for her outstanding academics and extracurricular activities and is a role model for pupils everywhere.
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Alinur Sayat, Haileybury's other School Captain in 2023, he graduated with high grades, a high SAT score, and a long list of extracurriculars demonstrating his impact on our school and community. He's studying at UCLA at the prestigious Samuelli School of Engineering.

Registration and Costs:

Lunch and snacks are included. The spaces are limited. The first come first served.


, Teacher of Humanities / US University Admission Counselor
Steve Stockermans
Teacher of Humanities / US University Admission Counselor
Alikhan's Extraordinary Global University Acceptances
Alikhan, one of our most distinguished students, has been accepted into approximately 30 universities worldwide, each accompanied by full financial aid. This incredible achievement includes offers from some of the world’s most prestigious institutions such as Columbia, Stanford, Northwestern, Vanderbilt (where he is awarded the Cornelius Scholarship), and many more.
Batyrkhan's Remarkable Achievement
Batyrkhan has been accepted into the prestigious Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), where he will be pursuing a degree in Electrical Engineering.
Akan's Exciting University of Toronto Journey
This year, Akan has received admission offers from two prestigious programmes at the University of Toronto

We are excited to invite you to explore a new feature here on the website that will help you achieve a better understanding of our school and all that we have to offer. You can take a virtual tour of our campus, explore our classrooms and facilities and take a closer look at our admissions process.

You'll be able to see first hand what sets our school apart and why we could well be the perfect fit for your child's education.

We look forward to welcoming you to our school!

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