Community Solidarity: Haileybury Responds

Community Solidarity: Haileybury Responds

In these challenging times, as our country grapples with widespread floods, our community cannot remain indifferent to the suffering of those affected.

Both Haileybury Almaty and Haileybury Astana schools stand in solidarity with those in need and will do everything within our power to ease their burden.

We have developed several initiatives, the first of which is a humanitarian aid collection. This includes clothing, food items, medical supplies, and other essential items.       

We urge each and every one of you to follow this. Even a small contribution can make a significant difference. Together, we can create waves of change and offer hope to those who need it.

In an uplifting show of support, our community came together for a non-uniform day charity event to aid flood victims in Kazakhstan. With heartfelt generosity, we raised an impressive 1 885 900 KZT, swiftly donated to the Biz Birgemiz charity.

Haileybury Astana expressed profound gratitude, acknowledging the students' significant contributions. This outpouring of support exemplifies our collective compassion and unity in times of crisis.

The success of this event underscores our commitment to making a positive impact, both locally and globally. Through our solidarity, we reaffirm the power of community in bringing hope to those in need.

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