English Olympiad at Haileybury Astana

English Olympiad at Haileybury Astana

The English Department of Haileybury Astana invites all high school students from Nur-Sultan schools to take part in the Haileybury Astana English Olympiad. Pupils of 6-12 grades of secondary schools in the city of Nur-Sultan (public and private) can take part in the Olympiad in May 2022. 

The event will take place on Saturday 21st of May at Haileybury Astana School.

We hope it will be a fantastic way for the students to challenge themselves further in the English Language, to demonstrate their skills in using it and their pleasure in communicating well. The English Olympiad will be a fun and engaging challenge; designed to test the student's linguistic, communication and skills.

Registration termination date: May 5, 2022


- The school motto of Haileybury is “sur sum corda” which means “lift up your hearts” or “be of good cheer.”

- Our symbol is a heart lifted by wings. Write a piece of creative writing (any text type) which explores, through your eyes, the things which make life worth living; that which gives meaning and value to human existence.

- To participate, the student must submit a piece of creative writing by May 5th. It should be no more than 1000 words in length.

Please follow the link below to register. Good luck!

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