Haileybury Mathematics Olympiad 2021 Initial Stage Results Announced

Haileybury Mathematics Olympiad 2021 Initial Stage Results Announced

On November 15th, 2021,  the first stage of the Haileybury Mathematics Olympiad 2021-2022 was held for pupils in grades 8-10 in an online format. The main goal of the Olympiad is to popularize mathematics and develop pupils' interest in solving non-standard problems in mathematics. More than 350 participants from the schools of Nur-Sultan, Atyrau, Karaganda and Kokshetau registered for the Olympiad.

The students with the highest score in the Selection Stage are invited to Haileybury Astana to participate in the Main Stage.

  • Date of the Main stage: November 20-21
  • Time: 10:00-14:00

If you have any questions, please email olympiad@haileyburyastana.kz


Students invited to Haileybury Mathematics Olympiad 2021-2022 Main Stage:

Grade 8 Name 

Abdykhali Bekzat


Amantay Saida


Arkenov Tamerlan


Duissen Azamat


Kabdolla Ansar


Kabdyrakym Torezhan


Kanatbek Kaussar


Kuralov Adi


Makashev Daniyar


Rakhimova Amina


Ramazanova Aknur


Tansykbai Abzal


Yeszhanov Abay


Yugay Daniil


Zhandaulet Nazerke


Grade 9 Name 

Aduyn Qazhet


Assan Dinmukhammed


Beken Adil


Bekenov Arystanbek


Elif Shymyr


Gaziz Turan


Kabdrakhmanova Amina


Kamalov Arystan


Kudaibergen Sabina


Makhazhanov Olzhas


Mussakulova Zhibek


Sauranbai Beksultan


Shilnikova Karina


Zhambul Dias


Grade 10  Name 

Alpamys Aisulu


Baizhanov Sultanbek


Bolatkan Yerassyl


Byurabekova Alina


Dyussenov Islam


Gafurov Imir


Kalila Isatay


Kydyrbay Dosymzhan


Manarbek Aiaru


Mergalieva Inkar


Mikhaylenko Alexandr


Moldagalieva Aisulu

  Munara Ayaulym 

Nauryzova Nurdana


Raimbekova Diyara


Rauia Nursaya


Tatiyev Dias


Zhuketvaeva Tomiris

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