Haileybury's Got Talent
As part of the Enrichment Week, each year there is a show created by some of our pupils and staff, where our pupils can demonstrate their talents and just have fun. We this it is a great conclusion to the year, as it allows our pupils to blow off steam after a difficult examination phase.
Once again in 2023, our own Mrs Gulshat Nazymbekova, House Mistress of Edmonstone, with a few pupils created a spectacular show. After all the hard work our students had done, it was a good thing to step outside of the curriculum and enjoy the remainder of the year. Haileybury's Got Talent, a Haileybury tradition, was oncce again, an immense success this year. We would like to thank all the participants for their hard work and preparation , which complemented Mrs Gulshats work perfectly. We would like to extend Mrs Gulashat Nazymbekovas thanks towards the pupil that helped her the most in the preparation, Tomiris (Yr10).
At Haileybury’s Got Talent. All students from Senior School were encouraged and asked to participate and showcase their talents. Every single tutor room had been asked to come up with something, which led to an amazing range of performers from all age-groups. However, not just the talent show demonstrated our students qualities. Our own, Ayaleem, Head pupil, hosted this amazing event, together with her awesome cohost Darina. Ayaleem had a lot of jokes and comments in her repartoire, which brought a fun atmosphere into the room. We would like to show our gratitude to Ayaleem and Darina for their amazing performance in hosting this event.
Nevertheless, throughout the talent show we got to see amazing students and staff working to entertain the audience while demonstrating a talent. We would like to thank everyone who participated and put in the effort to prepare and learn everything, it was truely amazing.