For the very first time, our two Art departments in Haileybury Almaty and Haileybury Astana have joined together to create a wonderful art project.

‘Inktober 2020’ is fast approaching, and we would love for you to participate! 
So ... How do I take part in Inktober 2020? 
To participate in this year's Art departments’ Inktober event, all you need to do is:
1. Complete a daily ink drawing based on the corrosponding prompts that are outlined in the attached poster. (Note, there are 31 prompts - one prompt for each day of October). 
2. Photograph your daily drawing and upload it to Instagram. 
3. Share it with our fantastic Haileybury community by tagging - as in @haileyburyastana_art, and by using the following hashtags: 
4. Continue the above throughout the month of October.

In addition to this, Haileybury Astana and Haileybury Almaty Art departments will be hosting a virtual Inktober exhibition later in the year. Keep a lookout for more information regarding this celebration of hope, joy, and art as the year progresses. 
But for now: take a pen, find some paper, and get ready to draw!

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