Litter Picking Day

We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Litter Picking Day as part of the Spring Environmental Month Initiative, “Zhasyl Astana”.

Haileybury Astana’s commitment to creating a cleaner and greener environment has prompted our Eco-Committee to partake in this event alongside the Astana Akimat. This occasion is a fantastic opportunity for our community to come together and positively impact the environment.

The purpose of this event is to clean the Presidential Park, as well as to educate our community about environmental culture and a sense of responsibility for the environment. 

On Sunday 28th May, we will meet at the Presidential Park Car Park from 10:00 to 11:30 nearest the new bridge next to the school. 

The Akimat will kindly provide us with gloves and rubbish bags, but you are welcome to bring your own equipment. 

It should be noted that Litter Picking Day is not only a great chance to teach children how to take care of nature but also to have fun and enjoy the fresh air.

Clothing requirements: Please wear light clothes and long sleeves and comfortable trousers to prevent insects from getting on your body.  It is preferable to wear a hat or hood on your head.

Please also bring water bottles, light snacks, sunglasses and sun cream.

We hope you can join us and help make a positive impact on our city's environment.




The litter picking day was a great success. We had a lot of Happy students that participated. We had several students all the way up to year 12 participating. Great job everyone!!

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