Mangahigh COBIS Maths Winners
Congratulations on coming to the top of the Junior school for The Mangahigh COBIS Maths Challenge competition!
The 2022 Challenge took place from 24 to 31 January. During this timeframe, pupils completed mathematics activities on Mangahigh to score points towards their school's total on the international leaderboard.
This competition was open to students from both the Junior and Senior schools. The competition was organized online for 5-16 y.o. pupils. It is designed to engage pupils with mathematics through a games-based learning approach. Using the Mangahigh online platform, pupils complete mathematics activities to score points for their school's total on the competition leaderboard.
It was a huge success with close to 29,500 students from 146 schools competing. Haileybury Astana has demonstrated a leading position in the challenge. Year 5 pupils Jafar, Aituar and Anuar received certificates.