Register for Kindergarten and Junior School Open Morning

Register for Kindergarten and Junior School Open Morning

May 14th, 2022

We are delighted to invite everyone who is interested in British education to join our Kindergarten and Junior School Open Morning on Saturday, May 14th from 10 am to 12 pm.

- Date: May 14th
- Time: 10:00-12.00
- Location: Haileybury Astana
- Russian speaking staff to support with communication
You will have an opportunity to:

- Chat to our highly qualified and experienced staff teachers.
- Learn more about the teaching methods both in Kindergarten and Junior School.
- Explore our amazing facilities, including classrooms, swimming pool, sports hall, dance studio and playgrounds inside and outside.
- Talk to the Admissions team and discuss the details of the school’s entrance requirements.
May 14th, 2022

Places at Kindergarten and Junior School are filling up quickly. If you do not want to miss out, we kindly advise you to register for Open Morning early. 

, Admissions Director
Dinara Urtambayeva
Admissions Director

Тel:+ 7 7172 55 98 55 (#101)
Mobile: +7 777 522 45 15

Learn more about Kindergarten and Junior School
Frequently Asked Questions about Kindergarten in Haileybury Astana
Frequently Asked Questions about Kindergarten in Haileybury Astana
Junior School in Haileybury Astana
Junior School in Haileybury Astana
Junior Schools Admissions Q&A
Junior Schools Admissions Q&A
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