Dear Pupils and Parents,
The marketing and admissions team is designing an FAQ section on our new website. We are delighted to invite you to participate in an exciting competition and to record a video message – you can answer one or more questions that our potential parents usually ask about our school and we will select the most relevant answers to be published on the website.
- 1 question – 1 video;
- You can record as many videos as you want;
- Please name the video with your Question number, First Name, Last Name and Class. For example: Q12 Joe Bloggs 5KS;
- Please upload your video.
? The deadline for submitting the videos is 31st May
Here are the video instructions - Top tips to recording a short selfie video
A short summary of the main advice for the video shooting on your phone:
1) Where to set it up – find an open space to be behind you; do not film yourself on white background; use some extra decorations (if possible): books, notebooks, and etc.
2) Lights – do not film yourself against the light (your back should not be facing the window); the light should be on your face
3) Spot on you – you should be in the center of the “picture”; the focus should be on you.
4) Set up your camera – please, use your phone in the horizontal position; make sure the camera is at the same height as your face (you should not look up or down to the camera).
5) Camera resolution – if possible, please, try to use the rear camera of your smartphone (it usually has better resolution).
6) How to dress – in school uniform
7) Put your questions or quotes near you – it will help you to feel confident while you are speaking
8) Speak slowly
9) Look at the camera
10) Duration: 20-30 seconds (1-minute max)
Thank you and good luck - we look forward to seeing your submissions.
The Admissions and Marketing team