What is involved in a Taster Day?

What is involved in a Taster Day?

Kindergarten: (age 2-4)

Children are invited for a 2-hour taster day which involves playing and completing age appropriate activities with our teaching staff. Our teaching staff observe and assess children against age related expectations in areas such as communication, interaction and fine and gross motor skills.

KS 1: (age 5-6)

Children are invited for a full-day taster day which involves completing age appropriate activities with our teaching staff. Activities would include phonics awareness, reading, writing, number awareness and ability to communicate and relate to others.

KS  2: (age 7-10)

Children are invited for a full-day taster day which involves sitting a Cognitive Ability Test (CAT). When the test is completed, children join
their prospective year group for our teaching staff to observe their ability to interact with others and participate as part of the class.

KS3 – KS5: (age 11-18)

All applicants will sit a Cognitive Ability Test (CAT) at the School (or at home school in the case of overseas students) on the published agreed date. Projected attainment and school reports will be collected from current schools. Applicants will also sit a test in English and one in Mathematics. The final stage is an interview that will help us understand the child and their level of spoken English. All our tests require no specific preparation, as they are age appropriate and curriculum neutral.



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