Скамейка для Друзей

At Haileybury Almaty, there is a deep belief that happy pupils have the best chance of being successful. We put a big emphasis on the wellbeing and mental health of our pupils, and Buddy Bench is one of those projects that contributes to the happiness and wellbeing of our Junior School pupils. 

A Buddy Bench is a seated central area in playgrounds where children can go if they would like someone to talk to. The buddy bench looks bright and colourful. Pupils in Junior School were asked to design a buddy bench that they thought would be helpful in their playground here at Haileybury Almaty.

Dayana in 3G and Raniya in 4EF, created the winning designs. The designs have now been turned into our very own Haileybury Almaty buddy benches with the help of pupils from both Junior and Senior School, and will be in the playground for children to use this term.

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